News & Opinion

Corporate Real Estate Is Holding Us Hostage. Proposition 33 Is Our Chance to Fight Back

News & Opinion

Guest Commentary: Only a Housing Paradigm Shift Will Make a Difference for California

News & Opinion

Los Angeles County Endorses Proposition 33 to Support Rent Control

News & Opinion

LA County Supervisors Endorse Prop 33 Rent Control Measure

News & Opinion

The Homelessness Crisis = Barbarism

News & Opinion

Ignore the Wall Street-Funded “Science” Attacking Rent Control

News & Opinion

Will Corporate Landlords Spend $100 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Silence AHF?

News & Opinion

Opinion: 10 Crazy Housing Solutions That Don’t Work and a Couple That Do

News & Opinion

Corporate Landlords and California Apartment Association Raise Nearly $55 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Pass Prop 34

News & Opinion

Why is UC Berkeley’s Ken Rosen Trying to Deceive California Voters?

News & Opinion

Opinion: Yes on Prop 33 Endorsed by Labor Unions, Activists, and Civic Leaders. Which Side Are You On?

News & Opinion

Opinion: Housing Shortage? Luxury Housing Too Prevalent in California.

News & Opinion

Opinion: Rent Control is Only Way to Rein In Corporate Landlords

News & Opinion

Economists Say Rent Control Works

News & Opinion

Opinion: National Homelessness Crisis Worsens. Americans Need Rent Control.

News & Opinion

Californians Are Homeless Because Rent Is Too High, New Study Finds

News & Opinion

Opinion: LGBTQ+ Tenants Need Rent Control

News & Opinion

Opinion: To Fend Off Excessive Rents and Homelessness, Seniors Need Rent Control

News & Opinion

Sky-High Rents Fuel Homelessness

News & Opinion

Opinion: Rent Control is as American as Apple Pie

Featured image for “Corporate Real Estate Is Holding Us Hostage. Proposition 33 Is Our Chance to Fight Back”
Oct. 17, 2024

Corporate Real Estate Is Holding Us Hostage. Proposition 33 Is Our Chance to Fight Back

The fact that the rent is too damn high is self-evident. Even if you are not suffering yourself, you likely…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Guest Commentary: Only a Housing Paradigm Shift Will Make a Difference for California”
Oct. 10, 2024

Guest Commentary: Only a Housing Paradigm Shift Will Make a Difference for California

Disclaimer: Opinions are those of the writer and do not reflect those of The Vanguard or its Editorial Staff.  The…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Los Angeles County Endorses Proposition 33 to Support Rent Control”
Oct. 07, 2024

Los Angeles County Endorses Proposition 33 to Support Rent Control

The Proposition 33 campaign is excited to announce that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors endorsed Proposition 33, an…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “LA County Supervisors Endorse Prop 33 Rent Control Measure”
Sep. 25, 2024

LA County Supervisors Endorse Prop 33 Rent Control Measure

Supervisors vote to support ballot initiative to overturn statewide ban on rent control and allow local communities to help keep…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “The Homelessness Crisis = Barbarism”
Sep. 16, 2024

The Homelessness Crisis = Barbarism

Isn’t a city unwilling to take from the obscenely rich to help the desperately poor barbaric? Terms like barbarism should not be…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Ignore the Wall Street-Funded “Science” Attacking Rent Control”
Sep. 13, 2024

Ignore the Wall Street-Funded “Science” Attacking Rent Control

We’ve seen that corporate landlords—and the economists who do their bidding—will do anything to generate billions and billions in profits…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Will Corporate Landlords Spend $100 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Silence AHF?”
Sep. 13, 2024

Will Corporate Landlords Spend $100 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Silence AHF?

It’s only September, and corporate landlords have already shelled out tens of millions to kill Proposition 33 and silence AIDS Healthcare…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: 10 Crazy Housing Solutions That Don’t Work and a Couple That Do”
Sep. 10, 2024

Opinion: 10 Crazy Housing Solutions That Don’t Work and a Couple That Do

OP/ED – The famous quote “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Corporate Landlords and California Apartment Association Raise Nearly $55 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Pass Prop 34”
Sep. 09, 2024

Corporate Landlords and California Apartment Association Raise Nearly $55 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Pass Prop 34

The California Apartment Association, the powerful lobbying group for many of the largest corporate landlords in the country, has raised $54.2…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Why is UC Berkeley’s Ken Rosen Trying to Deceive California Voters?”
Sep. 09, 2024

Why is UC Berkeley’s Ken Rosen Trying to Deceive California Voters?

HOUSING WATCH – UC Berkeley Professor Ken Rosen has a lot to answer for. In a new TV ad paid by the…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Yes on Prop 33 Endorsed by Labor Unions, Activists, and Civic Leaders. Which Side Are You On?”
Sep. 09, 2024

Opinion: Yes on Prop 33 Endorsed by Labor Unions, Activists, and Civic Leaders. Which Side Are You On?

When it comes to Proposition 33 in California, a quick look at who supports the pro-rent control ballot measure and…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Housing Shortage? Luxury Housing Too Prevalent in California.”
Aug. 30, 2024

Opinion: Housing Shortage? Luxury Housing Too Prevalent in California.

The housing shortage in California is legendary, but there isn’t one. Yes, there are more than 180,000 homeless people in…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Rent Control is Only Way to Rein In Corporate Landlords”
Aug. 14, 2024

Opinion: Rent Control is Only Way to Rein In Corporate Landlords

Time and again, Californians have seen that rent control is the only way to rein in the predatory business practices…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Economists Say Rent Control Works”
Aug. 12, 2024

Economists Say Rent Control Works

A group of 32 economists have written a letter to the Biden Administration saying that rent control is an effective tool to…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: National Homelessness Crisis Worsens. Americans Need Rent Control.”
Aug. 10, 2024

Opinion: National Homelessness Crisis Worsens. Americans Need Rent Control.

The Wall Street Journal published a disturbing report this week, revealing that the “number of homeless people counted on streets and…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Californians Are Homeless Because Rent Is Too High, New Study Finds”
Aug. 08, 2024

Californians Are Homeless Because Rent Is Too High, New Study Finds

A new, wide-ranging study by the University of California San Francisco has found that Californians are homeless because sky-high rents are forcing…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: LGBTQ+ Tenants Need Rent Control”
Aug. 06, 2024

Opinion: LGBTQ+ Tenants Need Rent Control

Studies have long indicated that the LGBTQ+ community needs rent control. That’s because LGBTQ+ people are more likely to rent…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: To Fend Off Excessive Rents and Homelessness, Seniors Need Rent Control”
Aug. 04, 2024

Opinion: To Fend Off Excessive Rents and Homelessness, Seniors Need Rent Control

Seniors on fixed incomes are increasingly pushed into homelessness by excessive rents – a life-threatening situation that can be quickly addressed…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Sky-High Rents Fuel Homelessness”
Aug. 01, 2024

Sky-High Rents Fuel Homelessness

Two recent Zillow studies show that sky-high rents are fueling the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles and other major cities.…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Rent Control is as American as Apple Pie”
Jul. 26, 2024

Opinion: Rent Control is as American as Apple Pie

Since World War I, rent control has been an effective tool to protect middle- and working-class Americans against predatory landlords…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: California Apartment Association and Corporate Landlords Are Public Enemy No. 1”
Jul. 24, 2024

Opinion: California Apartment Association and Corporate Landlords Are Public Enemy No. 1

When it comes to devastating the lives of tens of millions of Californians, the California Apartment Association and corporate landlords…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Unaffordable Rents Linked to More Deaths, Says Eviction Lab”
Jul. 22, 2024

Unaffordable Rents Linked to More Deaths, Says Eviction Lab

Over the years, activists have routinely said that the housing affordability crisis is a public health issue. Now Eviction Lab, the…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Exclusive: Nation’s Largest Corporate Landlords are Banding Together to Kill Rent Control Measure in California”
Jul. 20, 2024

Exclusive: Nation’s Largest Corporate Landlords are Banding Together to Kill Rent Control Measure in California

An exclusive Housing Is A Human Right investigation has found that 10 of the largest corporate landlords in the United…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “New Proposition 33 Radio Ads Feature Labor Icon Dolores Huerta”
Jul. 16, 2024

New Proposition 33 Radio Ads Feature Labor Icon Dolores Huerta

Two :30 spots in English and Spanish start five-week run on stations in Los Angeles and San Francisco urging voters…

Ged Kenslea

Featured image for “Exclusive: Blackstone Finances Campaigns to Kill Rent Control and Stop AIDS Healthcare Foundation”
Jul. 14, 2024

Exclusive: Blackstone Finances Campaigns to Kill Rent Control and Stop AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Blackstone Group, one of the largest corporate landlords in the world, is now financing the campaigns to kill rent control…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: AHF Under Attack From Big Real Estate”
Jul. 12, 2024

Opinion: AHF Under Attack From Big Real Estate

The Big Real Estate billionaires don’t believe that an organization birthed as the LGBTQ community’s response to a deadly epidemic…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: The Revenge of the Power Structure”
Jul. 12, 2024

Opinion: The Revenge of the Power Structure

  Any organizer worth their weight knows that you have to be prepared to fight on multiple fronts, and as…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Corporate Landlords Secretly Funneling Millions to Anti-Rent Control Campaigns in California”
Jul. 12, 2024

Corporate Landlords Secretly Funneling Millions to Anti-Rent Control Campaigns in California

  Real estate companies have never been wild about transparency, routinely hiding behind LPs and LLCs so the public doesn’t…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Corporate Landlords Mired in RealPage Scandal are Funding Anti-Rent Control Effort in California”
Jul. 12, 2024

Corporate Landlords Mired in RealPage Scandal are Funding Anti-Rent Control Effort in California

Five corporate landlords mired in the RealPage scandal are also shelling out millions to stop Proposition 33, the November ballot…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Why We Will Never Give Up on Rent Control”
Jul. 12, 2024

Why We Will Never Give Up on Rent Control

  Since any meaningful protection for renters is guaranteed to die in Sacramento, we have no choice but to go…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Boys in the Band: Dems Fighting to Stop Rent Control in California”
Jul. 12, 2024

Boys in the Band: Dems Fighting to Stop Rent Control in California

Newsom and Ace Smith and the other Democratic consultants have a disturbing track record of doing anything for corporate landlords…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Rent Is THE Issue”
Jul. 12, 2024

Rent Is THE Issue

  We all can agree there is a housing shortage, but do we really need more $4,000 a month apartments?…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Why Does Mexico City Beat LA on Homelessness?”
Jul. 12, 2024

Why Does Mexico City Beat LA on Homelessness?

GUEST COMMENTARY – After concluding a busy, weeklong visit to Mexico City, I remain surprised that I only saw one homeless…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “YIMBY House of Cards Collapses”
Jul. 12, 2024

YIMBY House of Cards Collapses

IMBYism has hit a rough patch. “Yes In My Back Yard” built its reputation on a series of false premises…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Affordable housing crisis”
Jul. 12, 2024

Opinion: Affordable housing crisis

Isn’t a city unwilling to take from the obscenely rich to help the desperately poor barbaric? Terms like barbarism should not…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Deconstructing the Affordable Housing Industrial Complex”
Jul. 12, 2024

Deconstructing the Affordable Housing Industrial Complex

GUEST OP/ED – Since 2019, California legislators have allocated $20.6 billion to address the housing affordability and homelessness crises, and…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Disunity Is Dangerous, Now More Than Ever”
Jul. 12, 2024

Disunity Is Dangerous, Now More Than Ever

  Virtue signaling is saying things to demonstrate your moral correctness on a particular issue and often to show how…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Is California Turning into a Dust Bowl?”
Jul. 12, 2024

Is California Turning into a Dust Bowl?

GUEST COMMENTARY – A young cousin of mine recently moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. She and her boyfriend were lured by…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Don’t Believe Big Real Estate’s Lies in 2024”
Jul. 12, 2024

Don’t Believe Big Real Estate’s Lies in 2024

Why, despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of California voters support rent control, has it been voted down twice…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Letters to the Editor: The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is a housing lifeline. It doesn’t deserve to be attacked”
Jul. 12, 2024

Letters to the Editor: The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is a housing lifeline. It doesn’t deserve to be attacked

To the editor: It is disheartening to see The Times attack the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and its Healthy Housing Foundation…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Advocate seeks justice for renters”
Jul. 12, 2024

Advocate seeks justice for renters

In a recent article, “As living costs go up, what’s in your wallet?,” the reporter noted that AvalonBay Communities is…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Letter: 340B Drug Pricing Program Needs Protection, Not Fundamental Reform”
Jul. 11, 2024

Letter: 340B Drug Pricing Program Needs Protection, Not Fundamental Reform

While no government program should be immune from criticism, those who call for reforms should at least understand how the 340B…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Readers Speak: Backing those who are against DeSantis visit”
Jul. 11, 2024

Readers Speak: Backing those who are against DeSantis visit

Backing those who are against DeSantis visit I personally want to congratulate the good citizens of Greenwich who opposed Florida Gov. …

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Why Can’t Tenants Win in Sacramento? Follow the Money”
Jul. 11, 2024

Opinion: Why Can’t Tenants Win in Sacramento? Follow the Money

Over the years, the California Apartment Association—funded by corporate landlords—has delivered millions in campaign cash to stop tenant rights bills…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Monday Morning Thoughts: Charter City Is Probably Not a Mechanism to Avoid State Housing Laws”
Jul. 11, 2024

Opinion: Monday Morning Thoughts: Charter City Is Probably Not a Mechanism to Avoid State Housing Laws

Can Cities Avoid Housing Laws By Going Charter?  Article Suggests Don’t Count on It Yesterday, the Vanguard reported that AG Rob Bonta…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: California’s housing crisis can’t be fixed by just building more housing”
Jul. 11, 2024

Opinion: California’s housing crisis can’t be fixed by just building more housing

Fewer and fewer Angelenos are “California dreamin’.” That’s because two crises — housing affordability and homelessness — are destroying our…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Landlord Greed and the Cruel Barbarism of a Housing Lottery for Children”
Jul. 11, 2024

Opinion: Landlord Greed and the Cruel Barbarism of a Housing Lottery for Children

The housing affordability crisis is a moral outrage of the highest order. So why does Los Angeles leave kids and…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Rent Control Is the Road to Stability in CA”
Jul. 11, 2024

Opinion: Rent Control Is the Road to Stability in CA

Currently, millions of Californians are facing an extreme housing emergency. They are being strangled by rents they cannot afford. We…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Why Housing Should Be Regulated as a Public Utility”
Jul. 11, 2024

Opinion: Why Housing Should Be Regulated as a Public Utility

Something is a public utility because it is essential, such as electricity, telephone, gas, and water. The government, through proper…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Is the $12,000-a-month apartment on its way?”
Jul. 11, 2024

Opinion: Is the $12,000-a-month apartment on its way?

It sounds crazy: The $12,000-a-month apartment. How can an average American afford to pay $12,000 per month for an apartment?…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Letters to the Editor: Demolishing Skid Row housing would be an appalling mistake”
Jul. 11, 2024

Letters to the Editor: Demolishing Skid Row housing would be an appalling mistake

To the editor: Your article, “The end of Skid Row’s cheap hotels? L.A. leaders want to replace last-resort homeless housing,” lays…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: A Renters Revolution in Just 23 Words”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: A Renters Revolution in Just 23 Words

Ballot initiatives can be very confusing. They are often lengthy and complicated. In 2020, if you were a strong supporter…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Corporate Landlords Contribute $20.9 Million to Kill Rent Control Expansion in California”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Corporate Landlords Contribute $20.9 Million to Kill Rent Control Expansion in California

HOUSING – A powerful, deep-pocketed group of 11 corporate landlords has contributed a total of $20.9 million to the California…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Who Are the Political Consultants Working for Corporate Landlords to Stop Rent Control Measure in California?”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Who Are the Political Consultants Working for Corporate Landlords to Stop Rent Control Measure in California?

HOUSING – For this coming election in California, corporate landlords have hired a small army of political consultants to kill…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: California YIMBY Joins Corporate Landlords to Kill Rent Control Measure”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: California YIMBY Joins Corporate Landlords to Kill Rent Control Measure

California YIMBY has always had a contentious relationship with the housing justice movement, and its opposition to the Yes on…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Vote for Rent Control as if Life Depends on It—Because It Does”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Vote for Rent Control as if Life Depends on It—Because It Does

The affordable housing crisis is an existential threat to our way of life in California. It is also a literal…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Which California Do You Choose?”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Which California Do You Choose?

OP | ED – In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and the Scarecrow are faced with a fork in the…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: At Minimum Wage in California’s Biggest City, Rent Requires 100% of Income”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: At Minimum Wage in California’s Biggest City, Rent Requires 100% of Income

Two decades ago, could we have imagined that a Los Angeles resident working a full-time, minimum wage job would have…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Are Landlords Holding Us Hostage?”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Are Landlords Holding Us Hostage?

Every effort to make housing affordable is met with the same refrain. If we control rents, then it will be…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Rising Cost of Housing Is Main Reason for Inflation — Let’s Vote for Rent Stabilization”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Rising Cost of Housing Is Main Reason for Inflation — Let’s Vote for Rent Stabilization

When we talk about inflation, our minds default to a quart of milk, a loaf of bread, or a gallon…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: We Have the Power to Rein in Greedy Corporate Landlords”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: We Have the Power to Rein in Greedy Corporate Landlords

Week after week, there’s a new study about the life-altering consequences of sky-high rents or a new investigation about the…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: If We Want Affordable Housing, We Need Rent Control”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: If We Want Affordable Housing, We Need Rent Control

In 2024, rent control is gaining traction as one possible solution to a growing affordable housing crisis across the country.…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Is the American Dream Really a $2,000 Studio?”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Is the American Dream Really a $2,000 Studio?

With 99% of Americans unable to buy the average house, more and more people are renting and getting less and…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Why California Is Shrinking and Sinking, and How To Reverse It”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Why California Is Shrinking and Sinking, and How To Reverse It

California’s population has shrunk for three consecutive years while 42 other states have grown. A shrinking population is a sign of economic…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Affordable Housing: A Commodity or a Necessity?”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Affordable Housing: A Commodity or a Necessity?

OP ED – We all know that shelter is one of the most basic necessities of life. Our very survival…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Homeless sweeps don’t fix homelessness”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Homeless sweeps don’t fix homelessness

There seems to be a growing belief that the act of sweeping homeless encampments is good for the occupants, good…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Rent Control Is the Safety Net”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Rent Control Is the Safety Net

Rent control raises great passion on either side of the debate. Supporters say it is essential to prevent people from…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Are Landlords the Lords of Our Land? – Inside Sources”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Are Landlords the Lords of Our Land? – Inside Sources

In a historic democracy like the United States, the term landlord is interesting. From the Old English meaning “master of…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Is the Los Angeles Times a Newspaper or a Tabloid?”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Is the Los Angeles Times a Newspaper or a Tabloid?

OP/ED – As a young child born in Los Angeles, I remember reading the Los Angeles Times to my father at…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Blaming the Victims and First Responders for Homelessness”
Jul. 10, 2024

Opinion: Blaming the Victims and First Responders for Homelessness

If you understand that housing is a basic human right, then our starting point is simple: Everyone must be housed.…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: The plight of California’s small landlord is real”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: The plight of California’s small landlord is real

Two opposing things can be true at the same time. In California, there is no question that the rent is…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Why Is the AIDS Healthcare Foundation Leading the Rent Control Movement?”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: Why Is the AIDS Healthcare Foundation Leading the Rent Control Movement?

If you are seeing ads for a rent control ballot initiative in California these days, they will say that they…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: The Olympics Are Coming, the Olympics Are Coming. Where’s the Housing? | Opinion”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: The Olympics Are Coming, the Olympics Are Coming. Where’s the Housing? | Opinion

The Olympics will be here just four years from now, and preparations are well underway. The perennial questions are: “Will we be…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: It’s a Myth that Top Economists Don’t Support Rent Control”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: It’s a Myth that Top Economists Don’t Support Rent Control

Once again, the National Multifamily Housing Council is pushing outdated, obsolete ideas to protect the obscene profits of the country’s largest corporate landlords.…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Profound corruption lies at the heart of LA homelessness”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: Profound corruption lies at the heart of LA homelessness

We ask ourselves the confounding question: Why is Los Angeles the homeless capital of the world? The answer: corruption. Los…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Stop Blaming Nonprofits for the Failures of Los Angeles and LA County”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: Stop Blaming Nonprofits for the Failures of Los Angeles and LA County

Californians pay a boatload of taxes to both the city and county of Los Angeles. Annual tax revenue amounts to billions…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: California Leads the Nation in Creating Down-and-Out People”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: California Leads the Nation in Creating Down-and-Out People

California produces more poor and homeless people than any other state. How can a place with such astounding wealth have…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Winning Rent Control Against All Odds”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: Winning Rent Control Against All Odds

Statewide rent control initiatives were voted down in California by almost 20 points. Why should we believe that we can…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: The California Apartment Association is MAGA”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: The California Apartment Association is MAGA

HOUSING – To put it bluntly, the California Apartment Association is a merchant of death. The blood of all the…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion  Rent control is an essential way to keep housing affordable”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion Rent control is an essential way to keep housing affordable

In the March 7 letter “How to make housing affordable,” the president of the National Multifamily Housing Council, a powerful…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: On Housing, Trickle-Down Democrats Have Failed Americans in Need”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: On Housing, Trickle-Down Democrats Have Failed Americans in Need

It is impossible to deny that America and the rest of the world are more economically unequal than ever before.…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: This is how to bring down California rents”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: This is how to bring down California rents

Rents are falling rapidly in San Francisco as landlords and others flee the city en masse. Prices never have returned to pre-2020…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Letters to the Editor: Stop blaming nonprofits for Skid Row’s housing woes. We’re doing the actual work”
Jul. 09, 2024

Letters to the Editor: Stop blaming nonprofits for Skid Row’s housing woes. We’re doing the actual work

  To the editor: The Times’ harmful coverage of nonprofit Skid Row housing providers continued on Jan. 5 with an assertion…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Corporate Landlords’ Misinformation Campaign To Stop Rent Control”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: Corporate Landlords’ Misinformation Campaign To Stop Rent Control

OPINION – With the 2024 election just 10 months away, Californians are being flooded with misinformation about the Yes on 33 Act,…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Who are the Democrats fighting to stop rent control in California?”
Jul. 09, 2024

Opinion: Who are the Democrats fighting to stop rent control in California?

A group of powerful Democrats has been carrying out Big Real Estate’s unscrupulous push to kill the expansion of rent…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Will Gov. Gavin Newsom Please Stand Up for Rent Control in California?”
Jul. 08, 2024

Opinion: Will Gov. Gavin Newsom Please Stand Up for Rent Control in California?

Everyone agrees California is in the midst of an existential housing crisis. Whether it is sprawling homeless encampments, an exodus of people…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Rent Control Saves Lives”
Jul. 08, 2024

Opinion: Rent Control Saves Lives

For millions of American renters, these are troubling times. In fact, the times have never been more troubling, given that…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Corporate landlords buy superyachts while California tenants drown under excessive rents”
Jul. 08, 2024

Opinion: Corporate landlords buy superyachts while California tenants drown under excessive rents

  While Californians struggle to pay wildly inflated rents, Big Real Estate executives are splurging on superyachts, car collections, and…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Big Real Estate Is Wrong — Rent Control Won’t Stop Housing Construction”
Jul. 08, 2024

Opinion: Big Real Estate Is Wrong — Rent Control Won’t Stop Housing Construction

There is no doubt that California faces an existential affordable housing crisis. More than 171,000 Californians are homeless, and 3.2 million — 56% of tenants —…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: America’s Rent-Burdened Tenants Need Rent Control”
Jul. 08, 2024

Opinion: America’s Rent-Burdened Tenants Need Rent Control

Where are people supposed to live in the United States? Rents are increasing while wages remain stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: California: The new Rust Belt?”
Jul. 08, 2024

Opinion: California: The new Rust Belt?

When Americans picture the Rust Belt, they have an image of the once-great industrial Midwest, now transformed into rusted-out factory…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: California Has Plenty of Luxury Dwellings — The Crisis Is in Affordable Housing”
Jul. 03, 2024

Opinion: California Has Plenty of Luxury Dwellings — The Crisis Is in Affordable Housing

As with so many issues, solving California’s housing affordability crisis has become polarized. The “build, build, build” folks are on…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Corporate Landlords Use the California Apartment Association to Carry Out Greed-Driven Agenda”
Jul. 01, 2024

Opinion: Corporate Landlords Use the California Apartment Association to Carry Out Greed-Driven Agenda

In 2022, controversial corporate landlords Essex Property Trust, Equity Residential, and AvalonBay Communities quietly contributed massive sums to a California…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Rent Control Reins In Corporate Landlord Greed”
Jun. 14, 2024

Opinion: Rent Control Reins In Corporate Landlord Greed

Rent control is the only way to rein in corporate landlord greed. The California Apartment Association and other Big Real Estate groups…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Top Five Flaws of Stanford University Study on Rent Control”
Jun. 03, 2024

Opinion: Top Five Flaws of Stanford University Study on Rent Control

For more than five years, reporters and the real estate industry continue to cite a seriously flawed and misleading study…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: California Has Most Rent-Burdened Tenants in US. We Need Rent Control.”
May. 18, 2024

Opinion: California Has Most Rent-Burdened Tenants in US. We Need Rent Control.

California has more rent-burdened tenants than anywhere in the United States, according to a new report by the O.C. Register. It’s…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: While the Rest of Us Drown Under Sky-High Rents, Big Real Estate Execs Buy Superyachts and Hire Superstar Drake for a Party”
May. 06, 2024

Opinion: While the Rest of Us Drown Under Sky-High Rents, Big Real Estate Execs Buy Superyachts and Hire Superstar Drake for a Party

While more and more Americans struggle to pay wildly inflated rents, Big Real Estate executives are splurging on superyachts, car…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: ‘3 Ps’ Must Be Top Priority for Housing Policymakers”
May. 03, 2024

Opinion: ‘3 Ps’ Must Be Top Priority for Housing Policymakers

As the housing affordability and homelessness crises continue to slam the poor and middle- and working-class residents, the “3 Ps”…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: RealPage Shelled Out $500,000 to Stop Rent Control in California”
Apr. 22, 2024

Opinion: RealPage Shelled Out $500,000 to Stop Rent Control in California

Housing Is A Human Right has found that RealPage, a controversial Big Tech company based in Texas, shelled out an…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “Opinion: Academic Heavyweights to Naysayers: Rent Control Works”
Apr. 19, 2024

Opinion: Academic Heavyweights to Naysayers: Rent Control Works

It wasn’t long ago that researchers at the University of Southern California, UC Berkeley, and UCLA released key studies that…

Justice For Renters

Featured image for “CA Rent Control Measure Qualifies Early for Nov. 2024 Ballot with Strong Coalition”
Jul. 27, 2023

CA Rent Control Measure Qualifies Early for Nov. 2024 Ballot with Strong Coalition

Media Advisory For Thursday, July 27th Contact:  Ged Kenslea, AHF Senior Communications Director 323.791.5526 [email protected]     CA Rent Control Measure…

Justice For Renters