Say ‘Yes’ To Rent Control

With rents skyrocketing across California and minimum wage stagnating, finding an affordable place to call home can feel impossible. That’s why the Yes on 33 Act is stepping in and putting rent control back on the ballot in November 2024. 

The Yes on 33 Act removes the ban on rent control in California. This will give local communities the right to stabilize rents and make apartments more affordable for low and middle-income renters. While the election may seem far off, we need your support now to pass this Measure and make a real impact on the daily lives of Californians.

Easy Ways to Show Your Support
Rent control is a simple, fair way to curb rising rents across the state. But as a grassroots movement made up of passionate housing advocates and activists, we need your help to amplify and support our mission.
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Donate to Support Rent Control Today
Unlike our opposition, we aren’t bankrolled by billionaire real estate developers. Instead, we count on small donations from our community to fund our campaign. Your donations help support our efforts to lift the ban on rent control and make housing more affordable. Any amount, large or small, will help build our movement. Thank you for your support.
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Paid for by Yes on 33 Sponsored by AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Committee major funding from AIDS Healthcare Foundation